Which Digital Policies?

Which Digital Policy Page

Plain language policy


Why it's needed:

This policy addresses the usability of your digital content. The purpose is to keep the user’s needs top of mind when writing content for your digital channels. For many organizations, that means  “unlearning” rules regarding use of academic language or legalese.

Key points:

  • Identify candidate pages that could benefit from plain language writing.
  • Adopt a plain language writing approach for your digital workers. U.S. government advice that you might want to consider  includes:

› Write for your reader, not yourself.

› Use pronouns when you can.

› State your major point(s) first, before going into details.

› Stick to your topic.

› Limit each paragraph to one idea and keep it short.

› Write in active voice. Use the passive voice only in rare cases. › Use short sentences as much as possible.

› Use everyday words. If you must use technical terms, explain them on the first reference.

› Omit unneeded words.

› Keep the subject and verb close together.

› Use headings, lists, and tables to make reading easier.

› Proofread your work—and have a colleague proof it as well.

See: https://plainlanguage.gov/media/FederalPLGuidelines.pdf

Read more:

Policy background, how is done: Immediate steps, Documenting and Implementing the policy:
The Power of Digital Policy book, page:

Policy digital maturity stage:

Policy type:

Insights related to industries: